Place the following code on a file ex. ListAllPlugins.php and then navigate to
<?PHP require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/wp-load.php"); require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php"); function PrintPluginList($option) { $all_plugins = get_plugins(); if ($option == 1) { print_r(array_values($all_plugins)); } else { echo json_encode($all_plugins); } } PrintPluginList($_GET['op']); ?>
This is a PowerShell script to automate some of the information
$url = ($args[0] + "/ListAllPlugins.php?op=1") $site = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url) $splitsite = $site -split "`n" $Array = @() foreach($line in $splitsite) { if ($line -match "\[Name\]") { $Name = ($line -split "=>")[1] $Name = $Name.Trim() } if ($line -match "\[Version\]") { $Version = ($line -split "=>")[1] $Version = $version.Trim() $Array +=(, ($Name + "|" + $Version + "|" + $PluginURI)) } if ($line -match "\[PluginURI\]") { $PluginURI = ($line -split "=>")[1] $PluginURI = $PluginURI.Trim() if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PluginURI)) { $PluginURI = "n/a" } } } $Array
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