If you’ve had to take a vertical list to horizontal list before you know how difficult it can be.
You may have a different setup than my example but the code provided below should help in most cases.
================================================== Origin URL | http://kittell.net Action URL | http://kittell.net/api User Name Field | username Password Field | password User Name | kittell1 Password | SomethingSecret Created Time | 12/9/2015 2:20:52 PM Password Strength | Very Strong Password File | C:\Users\dkittell\database ================================================== ================================================== Origin URL | http://kittell.net Action URL | http://kittell.net/api User Name Field | username Password Field | password User Name | kittell2 Password | SomethingSecret Created Time | 12/9/2015 2:20:52 PM Password Strength | Very Strong Password File | C:\Users\dkittell\database ==================================================
The code below is still a work in progress but does what I need it to for now, it’s very ugly but it works.
rm -f temp1 head -11 list.txt | sed '/==================================================/d' > temp sed -i -e 's/,$/\n/' temp while read line do echo $line | cut -f1 -d '|' | sed 's/[ \t]*$//' #echo $sHeaders done < temp > temp1 tr -s '\r\n' ',' < temp1 > listheaders.txt tr -s '\r\n' ',' < list.txt | sed -e 's/,$/\n/' > temp | tr -s '==================================================' '\n' < temp > listd.txt sed -i -e "s/Origin URL | //g" listd.txt sed -i -e "s/Action URL | //g" listd.txt sed -i -e "s/User Name Field | //g" listd.txt sed -i -e "s/Password Field | //g" listd.txt sed -i -e "s/User Name | //g" listd.txt sed -i -e "s/Password | //g" listd.txt sed -i -e "s/Created Time | //g" listd.txt sed -i -e "s/Password Strength | //g" listd.txt sed -i -e "s/Password File | //g" listd.txt cat listheaders.txt listd.txt > listc.txt && rm -f listheaders.txt listd.txt temp temp-e temp1
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