clear Function Load-WebAdmin { $webAdminModule = get-module -ListAvailable | ? { $_.Name -eq "webadministration" } If ($webAdminModule -ne $null) { import-module WebAdministration } } # Variables - Start $siteName = $args[0] # "default web site" $appPoolName = $args[1] # "DefaultAppPool" $action = $args[2] # 1 for stop, 0 for start $runscript = 1 # Variables - Stop # Check Parameter Input - Start if($siteName -eq $null) { write-host "Error: Site Name, Argument is missing" $runscript = 0 } if($appPoolName -eq $null) { write-host "Error: App Pool Name, Argument is missing" $runscript = 0 } if($action -eq $null) { write-host "Error: Action, Argument is missing" $runscript = 0 } # Check Parameter Input - Stop # If appName was not passed show instructions if (!($runscript -eq 1)) { write-host "`nMissing Parameters" write-host "`n .\IIS-Stop.ps1 <Site Name> <App Pool Name> <Action>`n" } else { if (Test-Path "IIS:\Sites\$siteName") { if ($action -eq 1) { if ((Get-WebsiteState -Name $siteName).Value -ne "Stopped") { stop-website -Name $siteName echo "Stopped website '$siteName'" } else { echo "WARNING: Site '$siteName' was already stopped." } } else { if ((Get-WebsiteState -Name $siteName).Value -ne "Started") { start-website -Name $siteName echo "Started website '$siteName'" } else { echo "WARNING: Site '$siteName' was already started." } } } else { echo "WARNING: Could not find a site called '$siteName' to stop. Assuming this is a new install" } if (Test-Path "IIS:\AppPools\$appPoolName") { if ($action -eq 1) { if ((Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $appPoolName).Value -ne "Stopped") { Stop-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName echo "Stopped AppPool '$appPoolName'" } else { echo "WARNING: Site '$appPoolName' was already stopped." } } else { if ((Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $appPoolName).Value -ne "Started") { start-WebAppPool -Name $appPoolName echo "Started AppPool '$appPoolName'" } else { echo "WARNING: AppPool '$appPoolName' was already started." } } } else { echo "WARNING: Could not find an AppPool called '$appPoolName' to stop. Assuming this is a new install" } }