Similar to C# – Random Password Generator but this will work with PowerShell scripts.
This script has a minimum of four (4) characters but you can change that to whatever you would like.
.\RandomPasswordGenerator.ps1 <Password Length>
<# .SYNOPSIS New-RandomPassword generates a random password .DESCRIPTION New-RandomPassword generates a random password that meets the following rules: A password: - Needs to have at least one of each of these: 1. Lower case character 2. Upper case character 3. Number 4. Special character - Has a certain length. - Needs a random amount of each of the required types in a random order. .PARAMETER Length Length of the password .EXAMPLE New-RandomPassword 8 .INPUTS System.Int32 .OUTPUTS System.String #> clear function New-RandomPassword($PasswordLength) { # Length of the password to be generated #$PasswordLength = 20 if($PasswordLength -lt 4) {$PasswordLength = 4} # Used to store an array of characters that can be used for the password $CharPool = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # Add characters a-z to the arraylist for ($index = 97; $index -le 122; $index++) { [Void]$CharPool.Add([char]$index) } # Add characters A-Z to the arraylist for ($index = 65; $index -le 90; $index++) { [Void]$CharPool.Add([Char]$index) } # Add digits 0-9 to the arraylist $CharPool.AddRange(@("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9")) # Add a range of special characters to the arraylist $CharPool.AddRange(@("!","""","#","$","%","&","'","(",")","*","+","-",".","/",":",";","<","=",">","?","@","[","\","]","^","_","{","|","}","~","!")) $password="" $rand=New-Object System.Random # Generate password by appending a random value from the array list until desired length of password is reached 1..$PasswordLength | foreach { $password = $password + $CharPool[$rand.Next(0,$CharPool.Count)] } #print password $password } $pwdLengthArg = $args[0] $runscript = 1 # Check Parameter Input - Start if($pwdLengthArg -eq $null) { write-host "Error: Password Length is missing" $runscript = 0 } # Check Parameter Input - Stop # If $runscript = 0 show instructions if (!($runscript -eq 1)) { write-host "`n .\RandomPasswordGenerator.ps1 <Password Length>`n" } else { New-RandomPassword $pwdLengthArg }
Another approach
Function Get-RandomPassword { Param( [parameter()] [ValidateRange(8,100)] [int]$Length=12, [parameter()] [switch]$SpecialChars ) $aUpper = [char[]]'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' $aLower = [char[]]'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' $aNumber = [char[]]'1234567890' $aSCharacter = [char[]]'!@#$%^&*()_+|~-=\{}[]:;<>,./' # Depending on usage, you may want to strip out some of the special characters if they are not supported $aClasses = [char[]]'ULN' #represents the different classes of characters $thePass = "" if ($SpecialChars){ $aClasses += 'S' } $notOneOfEach = $true while ($notOneOfEach){ $pPattern = '' for ($i=0; $i-lt $Length; $i++){ $pPattern += get-random -InputObject $aClasses } if (($pPattern -match 'U' -and $pPattern -match 'L' -and $pPattern -match 'N' -and (-not $specialChars)) -or ($pPattern -match 'U' -and $pPattern -match 'L' -and $pPattern -match 'N' -and $pPattern -match 'S')){ $notOneOfEach = $false } } foreach ($chr in [char[]]$pPattern){ switch ($chr){ U {$thePass += get-random -InputObject $aUpper; break} L {$thePass += get-random -InputObject $aLower; break} N {$thePass += get-random -InputObject $aNumber; break} S {$thePass += get-random -InputObject $aSCharacter; break} } } $thePass } clear for ($i=0; $i -le 20; $i++){Get-RandomPassword -length 16}
Last Updated on January 31, 2017