#requires -Version 2.0 Function Ping-Subnet { #.Synopsis # Ping a subnet returning all alive hosts. #.Example # Ping-Subnet -IP -Netmask /24 #.Example # Ping-Subnet -IP -Netmask Param( [string] $IP, [string] $netmask ) Begin { $IPs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $Jobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $max = 50 Function Get-NetworkAddress { #.Synopsis # Get the network address of a given lan segment #.Example # Get-NetworkAddress -IP -mask Param ( [string] $IP, [string] $Mask, [switch] $Binary ) Begin { $NetAdd = $null } Process { $BinaryIP = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $IP $BinaryMask = ConvertTo-BinaryIP $Mask 0..34 | %{ $IPBit = $BinaryIP.Substring($_,1) $MaskBit = $BinaryMask.Substring($_,1) IF ($IPBit -eq '1' -and $MaskBit -eq '1') { $NetAdd = $NetAdd + "1" } elseif ($IPBit -eq ".") { $NetAdd = $NetAdd +'.' } else { $NetAdd = $NetAdd + "0" } } if ($Binary) { return $NetAdd } else { return ConvertFrom-BinaryIP $NetAdd } } } Function ConvertTo-BinaryIP { #.Synopsis # Convert an IP address to binary #.Example # ConvertTo-BinaryIP -IP Param ( [string] $IP ) Process { $out = @() Foreach ($octet in $IP.split('.')) { $strout = $null 0..7|% { IF (($octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)))-ge 0) { $octet = $octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)) [string]$strout = $strout + "1" } else { [string]$strout = $strout + "0" } } $out += $strout } return [string]::join('.',$out) } } Function ConvertFrom-BinaryIP { #.Synopsis # Convert from Binary to an IP address #.Example # Convertfrom-BinaryIP -IP 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000001 Param ( [string] $IP ) Process { $out = @() Foreach ($octet in $IP.split('.')) { $strout = 0 0..7|% { $bit = $octet.Substring(($_),1) IF ($bit -eq 1) { $strout = $strout + [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)) } } $out += $strout } return [string]::join('.',$out) } } Function ConvertTo-MaskLength { #.Synopsis # Convert from a netmask to the masklength #.Example # ConvertTo-MaskLength -Mask Param ( [string] $mask ) Process { $out = 0 Foreach ($octet in $Mask.split('.')) { $strout = 0 0..7|% { IF (($octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)))-ge 0) { $octet = $octet - [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)) $out++ } } } return $out } } Function ConvertFrom-MaskLength { #.Synopsis # Convert from masklength to a netmask #.Example # ConvertFrom-MaskLength -Mask /24 #.Example # ConvertFrom-MaskLength -Mask 24 Param ( [int] $mask ) Process { $out = @() [int]$wholeOctet = ($mask - ($mask % 8))/8 if ($wholeOctet -gt 0) { 1..$($wholeOctet) |%{ $out += "255" } } $subnet = ($mask - ($wholeOctet * 8)) if ($subnet -gt 0) { $octet = 0 0..($subnet - 1) | %{ $octet = $octet + [math]::pow(2,(7-$_)) } $out += $octet } for ($i=$out.count;$i -lt 4; $I++) { $out += 0 } return [string]::join('.',$out) } } Function Get-IPRange { #.Synopsis # Given an Ip and subnet, return every IP in that lan segment #.Example # Get-IPRange -IP -Mask #.Example # Get-IPRange -IP -Mask /23 Param ( [string] $IP, [string] $netmask ) Process { iF ($netMask.length -le 3) { $masklength = $netmask.replace('/','') $Subnet = ConvertFrom-MaskLength $masklength } else { $Subnet = $netmask $masklength = ConvertTo-MaskLength -Mask $netmask } $network = Get-NetworkAddress -IP $IP -Mask $Subnet [int]$FirstOctet,[int]$SecondOctet,[int]$ThirdOctet,[int]$FourthOctet = $network.split('.') $TotalIPs = ([math]::pow(2,(32-$masklength)) -2) $blocks = ($TotalIPs - ($TotalIPs % 256))/256 if ($Blocks -gt 0) { 1..$blocks | %{ 0..255 |%{ if ($FourthOctet -eq 255) { If ($ThirdOctet -eq 255) { If ($SecondOctet -eq 255) { $FirstOctet++ $secondOctet = 0 } else { $SecondOctet++ $ThirdOctet = 0 } } else { $FourthOctet = 0 $ThirdOctet++ } } else { $FourthOctet++ } Write-Output ("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f ` $FirstOctet,$SecondOctet,$ThirdOctet,$FourthOctet) } } } $sBlock = $TotalIPs - ($blocks * 256) if ($sBlock -gt 0) { 1..$SBlock | %{ if ($FourthOctet -eq 255) { If ($ThirdOctet -eq 255) { If ($SecondOctet -eq 255) { $FirstOctet++ $secondOctet = 0 } else { $SecondOctet++ $ThirdOctet = 0 } } else { $FourthOctet = 0 $ThirdOctet++ } } else { $FourthOctet++ } Write-Output ("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}" -f ` $FirstOctet,$SecondOctet,$ThirdOctet,$FourthOctet) } } } } } Process { #get every ip in scope Get-IPRange $IP $netmask | %{ [void]$IPs.Add($_) } #loop untill we've pinged them all While ($IPs.count -gt 0 -or $jobs.count -gt 0) { #if we have open spots kick off some more IF ($jobs.count -le $max) { # determin how many to kick off $addjobs = ($max - $jobs.count) Foreach ($IP in ($IPS | Select -first $addjobs)) { #save the job id, and move on [VOID]$Jobs.Add((gwmi -q "SELECT Address,StatusCode FROM Win32_Pingstatus WHERE Address = `'$IP`'" -asjob).Id) #remove the IP from our pool $IPs.Remove($IP) } } #we'll use this array to track what's comeback $Clean = @() Foreach ($J in $jobs) { # If this job is done get the results if ((Get-Job -id $j).JobStateInfo.state -eq 'Completed') { # if the ping was sucessfull return the IP Address write-output (Receive-Job -id $j) | ?{$_.StatusCode -eq 0}| select -expand Address # dispose of the job remove-job -id $j $clean += $j } } Foreach ($c in $Clean) { #remove the jobs that we just processed $jobs.remove($c) } } } } Ping-Subnet /24
Reference: http://poshcode.org/976