This script will call out to a defined URL to check the version of a plugin and download the update if needed.
To use:
# Download only (if web is newer) #powershell -file DownloadLatestWordPressPlugin.ps1 <WordPress URL> <WordPress Plugin Version Installed> <Download Path> powershell -file DownloadLatestWordPressPlugin.ps1 3.1.3 c:usersdkittelldesktopdownload # Download and Extract #powershell -file DownloadLatestWordPressPlugin.ps1 <WordPress URL> <WordPress Plugin Version Installed> <Download Path> <1 to extract> <Extract path> powershell -file DownloadLatestWordPressPlugin.ps1 3.1.2 c:usersdkittelldesktopdownload 1 c:usersdkittelldownloadextracted
<# .SYNOPSIS This script will scrap the given WordPress Plugin page for the download link and download it with the option to also extract the download .DESCRIPTION This script is designed to take read the given WordPress plugin URL and find the downloadUrl link download it to a defined directory on your computer. The script will assume the file name part of the URL is the file name for the computer. .PARAMETER Path .PARAMETER LiteralPath .Example DownloadLatestWordPressPlugin.ps1 3.1.3 c:usersdkittelldesktopdownload Latest version so no need to download .Example DownloadLatestWordPressPlugin.ps1 3.1.2 c:usersdkittelldesktopdownload Only Download .Example DownloadLatestWordPressPlugin.ps1 3.1.2 c:usersdkittelldesktopdownload 1 c:usersdkittelldownloadextracted Download and Extract .Inputs [String]$WebURL [String]$PluginVersion [String]$FileDirectory [String]$DoExtract [String]$ExtractFileDirectory .LinkPowerShell Download Latest WordPress Plugin#> $names = [Environment+SpecialFolder]::GetNames([Environment+SpecialFolder]) #$URI = "" $URI = $args[0] # This is the plugin version to check against $PluginVersion = $args[1] #$PluginVersion = "3.1.3" # Directory Parameter $FileDirectory = $args[2] # Extract Parameter # If you want to extract the downloaded file pass a 1 followed by the extract folder path $DoExtract = $args[3] # Extract Folder $ExtractFileDirectory = $args[4] $Logfile = $FileDirectory + "DownloadLog_$(get-date -format `"yyyyMMdd`").txt" #$Logfile function Write-Log ($Message) { $Message | Out-File -filepath $Logfile -Append } Write-Log ($(get-date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt").ToString() + " - Process Started") #$HTML = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI | gm -MemberType Property $HTML = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI #$HTML.Links.Count $PluginName = $HTML.AllElements | WHERE -Property itemprop -eq "name" | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty innerText $PluginName = $PluginName.Trim() $downloadURL = $HTML.Links | WHERE -Property itemprop -eq "downloadUrl" | SELECT -Property href $downloadURLText = $HTML.Links | WHERE -Property itemprop -eq "downloadUrl" | SELECT -Property innerText $downloadURL = $downloadURL -replace "@{href=", "" $downloadURL = $downloadURL -replace "}", "" $downloadURL = $downloadURL.Trim() $downloadURLText = $downloadURLText -replace "@{innerText=Download Version ", "" $downloadURLText = $downloadURLText -replace "}", "" $downloadURLText = $downloadURLText.Trim() Write-Log $PluginName Write-Host $PluginName if($PluginVersion -eq $downloadURLText) { Write-Log "Lastest Version, move on to the next link" Write-Host "Lastest Version, move on to the next link" Write-Log ($(get-date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt").ToString() + " - Process Ended") } else { Write-Log "Out Dated Version, will now download" Write-Host "Out Dated Version, will now download" # URL Parameter $WebURL =$downloadURL # If directory doesn't exist create the directory if((Test-Path $FileDirectory) -eq 0) { mkdir $FileDirectory; cd $FileDirectory; } # We assume the file you download is named what you want it to be on your computer $FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($WebURL) # Concatenate the two values to prepare the download $FullFilePath = "$($FileDirectory)$($FileName)" # Give a basic message to the user to let them know what we are doing Write-Log "Downloading '$WebURL' to '$FullFilePath'" Write-Host "Downloading '$WebURL' to '$FullFilePath'" $uri = New-Object "System.Uri" "$WebURL" $request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($uri) $request.set_Timeout(15000) #15 second timeout $response = $request.GetResponse() $totalLength = [System.Math]::Floor($response.get_ContentLength()/1024) $responseStream = $response.GetResponseStream() $targetStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $FullFilePath, Create $buffer = new-object byte[] 10KB $count = $responseStream.Read($buffer,0,$buffer.length) $downloadedBytes = $count while ($count -gt 0) { [System.Console]::Write("`r`nDownloaded {0}K of {1}K", [System.Math]::Floor($downloadedBytes/1024), $totalLength) $targetStream.Write($buffer, 0, $count) $count = $responseStream.Read($buffer,0,$buffer.length) $downloadedBytes = $downloadedBytes + $count } $targetStream.Flush() $targetStream.Close() $targetStream.Dispose() $responseStream.Dispose() # Give a basic message to the user to let them know we are done Write-Log "`r`nDownload complete" Write-Host "`r`nDownload complete" # If a 1 is passed we will extract the zip file if($DoExtract -eq 1) { Write-Log "`r`nExtracting File" Write-Host "`r`nExtracting File" $Shell = new-object -com shell.application # If directory doesn't exist create the directory if((Test-Path $ExtractFileDirectory) -eq 0) { mkdir $ExtractFileDirectory; cd $ExtractFileDirectory; } # Get the name of the Zip file $Zip = $Shell.NameSpace($FullFilePath) #Expand/Extract each file from the zip file foreach($Item in $Zip.items()) { $Shell.Namespace($ExtractFileDirectory).copyhere($Item) } Write-Log "`r`nFile Extracted" Write-Host "`r`nFile Extracted" } Write-Log ($(get-date -format "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt").ToString() + " - Process Ended") }