<# .SYNOPSIS This script will archive IIS App Pool and IIS Sites .DESCRIPTION This script will archive all App Pool and IIS Site settings and configurations. This script will also allow the restore of the App Pool and IIS Site settings and configurations. .PARAMETER Path .PARAMETER LiteralPath .Example IISBackup.ps1 1 Run Backup Process IISBackup.ps1 2 List all archives IISBackup.ps1 3 IIS_11-10-2015_011330 .Inputs [String]$Operation [String]$ArchiveName #> Import-Module WebAdministration function test-variable { # return $false if variable:\$name is missing or $null param( [string]$name ) $isMissingOrNull = (!(test-path ('variable:'+$name)) -or ((get-variable -name $name -value) -eq $null)) return !$isMissingOrNull } $operation = $args[0] $restoreloc = $args[1] # If operation was not passed we will force 0 to show instructions if (!(test-variable "operation")) {$operation ="0"} if ($operation -eq 3) { if (!(test-variable "restoreloc")) { $operation ="0" } } clear $CurrentDate = Get-Date -format M-d-yyyy_hhmmss $BackupName = "IIS_$($CurrentDate)" # Backup Web Configuration # Backup will get created in C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\backup # Backup-WebConfiguration -Name $BackupName # Restore Web Configuration # Restore-WebConfiguration -Name IIS_11-10-2015_120802 write-host "IIS Backup/Restore" switch ($operation) { "0" { "`nBackup / Restore Process" Write-Host " To backup run:`n IISBackup.ps1 1`n`n To list backups run:`n IISBackup.ps1 2`n`n To restore run:`n IISBackup.ps1 3 <Backup Name>" } "1" { "Backup Process Selected" Backup-WebConfiguration -Name $BackupName # Write Documentation - Start $sites = @{Expression={$_.Name};Label="Site Name"}, ` @{Expression={$_.applicationPool};Label="Site App Pool";}, ` @{Expression={$_.PhysicalPath};Label="Site Physical Path";} dir IIS:\Sites | Format-Table $sites -AutoSize > $("C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\backup\$BackupName\IIS.txt") "Web Config File Paths:" >> $("C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\backup\$BackupName\IIS.txt") ForEach($item in (dir IIS:\Sites)) { $item.Name >> $("C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\backup\$BackupName\IIS.txt") $filePath = $item.PhysicalPath $fileName = "web.config" Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { ( $_.Name -like "*$fileName*") } | Select-Object FullName | format-Table * -AutoSize -HideTableHeaders >> $("C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\backup\$BackupName\IIS.txt") } # Write Documentation - Stop } "2" { "Backups" $currentdirectorypath = Split-Path (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value.MyCommand.Path cd "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\backup" ls cd $currentdirectorypath } "3" { "Restore Process Selected" Write-host "Restoring $($restoreloc)" Restore-WebConfiguration -Name $restoreloc } }
Last Updated on June 8, 2017
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