Originally Posted on October 15, 2013 Last Updated on October 26, 2015
All information on this site is shared with the intention to help. Before any source code or program is ran on a production (non-development) system it is suggested you test it and fully understand what it is doing not just what it appears it is doing. I accept no responsibility for any damage you may do with this code.
#!/bin/sh # FixWiFi.sh # # # Created by David Kittell on 1/17/18. # cd ~/Desktop mkdir WiFiConfigBackup networksetup -setairportpower airport off mv /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.airport.preferences.plist ~/Desktop/WiFiConfigBackup mv /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.network.eapolclient.configuration.plist ~/Desktop/WiFiConfigBackup mv /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.wifi.message-tracer.plist ~/Desktop/WiFiConfigBackup mv /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist ~/Desktop/WiFiConfigBackup mv /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist ~/Desktop/WiFiConfigBackup shutdown -r now All information on this site is shared with the intention to…
SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @OldUsername nvarchar(100), @NewUsername nvarchar(100) SET @OldUsername = ‘dkittell1’ SET @NewUsername = ‘dkittell’ UPDATE dnn_Users SET [Username] = @NewUsername WHERE [Username] = @OldUsername; UPDATE aspnet_Users SET [LoweredUserName] = @NewUsername WHERE [LoweredUserName] = @OldUsername; UPDATE aspnet_Users SET [UserName] = @NewUsername WHERE [UserName] = @OldUsername; UPDATE dnn_EventLog SET [LogUserName]…
IF OBJECT_ID(N’dbo.RegexReplace’) IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.RegexReplace GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.RegexReplace ( @pattern VARCHAR(255) ,@replacement VARCHAR(255) ,@Subject VARCHAR(MAX) ,@global BIT = 1 ,@Multiline BIT = 1 ) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) /*The RegexReplace function takes three string parameters. The pattern (the regular expression) the replacement expression, and the subject string to…