First copy this text to a file and name it
The code below is right from the Palo Alto Global Protect installer for Mac
#!/bin/sh USER_ID=`id -u` if [ "$USER_ID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "You must be root to run the script. Use sudo $0" exit fi install_dir=/Applications/ app_log_dir=/Library/Logs/PaloAltoNetworks/GlobalProtect mkdir -p "$app_log_dir" (( checkAndWaitProcess() { if [[ "$2" ]]; then T="$2" else T=5 fi C=0 while [[ C -lt $T ]] && ( killall -s "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ) do let C=C+1 sleep 1 done killall -s $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null return $? } pan_info() { curtime=`date` echo $curtime ' ' $1 >> ${app_log_dir}/PanGPInstall.log } curver=`defaults read ${install_dir}/../Info CFBundleShortVersionString` if [[ "$HOME" ]]; then USER=`stat -f "%Su" "$HOME"` pan_info "Uninstalling GlobalProtect version ${curver}, user ${USER}" pan_info "unload user gps, gpa" sudo -u"$USER" launchctl remove sudo -u"$USER" launchctl remove else pan_info "Uninstalling GlobalProtect version ${curver}" fi pan_info "unload gps, gpsd and gpa" launchctl remove launchctl remove launchctl remove #wait for 15 sec. while PanGPS quits if checkAndWaitProcess "PanGPS" 5; then pan_info "PanGPS didn't quit within 5 sec. Killing" killall -15 PanGPS if checkAndWaitProcess "PanGPS" 5; then pan_info "PanGPS didn't quit after kill within 5 sec." fi fi #wait for 5 sec. while GlobalProtect quits if checkAndWaitProcess "GlobalProtect" 5; then pan_info "GlobalProtect didn't quit within 5 sec. Killing" killall -15 GlobalProtect if checkAndWaitProcess "GlobalProtect" 5; then pan_info "GlobalProtect didn't quit after kill within 5 sec." fi fi pan_info "Unload driver" ifconfig gpd0 down kextunload -b com.paloaltonetworks.kext.pangpd pan_info "Cleanup Dynamic Store" echo "remove State:/Network/Service/gpd.pan/IPv4" | scutil echo "remove State:/Network/Service/gpd.pan/DNS" | scutil pan_info "rm all" rm -f "/Library/LaunchAgents/" rm -f "/Library/LaunchAgents/" rm -f "/Library/LaunchDaemons/" rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/GlobalProtect" rm -rf "/Applications/" rm -rf "/Applications/" rm -rf "/System/Library/Extensions/gplock*.kext" #Mercy kill for out-of-user-context execution of the script like with sudo -i killall GlobalProtect killall PanGPS rm -rf /Library/Preferences/com.paloaltonetworks.GlobalProtect* rm -rf /Library/Preferences/PanGPS* if [[ "$HOME" ]]; then rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/GlobalProtect" rm -rf "$HOME"/Library/Preferences/com.paloaltonetworks.GlobalProtect* rm -rf "$HOME"/Library/Preferences/PanGPS* #remove password entry from keychain security delete-generic-password -l GlobalProtect -s GlobalProtect fi pan_info "Unload gplock" kextunload -b com.paloaltonetworks.GlobalProtect.gplock #10.9 addition to clear system preferences cache killall -SIGTERM cfprefsd pan_info "uninstall packages from globalprotect" for pkg in `pkgutil --pkgs |grep com.paloaltonetworks.globalprotect` do pkgutil --forget "$pkg" done rm -rf /Library/Logs/PaloAltoNetworks/GlobalProtect/* echo "Uninstallation finished." ) 2>&1) >> ${app_log_dir}/PanGPInstall.log
After you have the file created run the below
sudo sh sudo killall GlobalProtect sudo chflags noschg /Applications/ sudo rm -fR /Applications/