All information on this site is shared with the intention to help. Before any source code or program is ran on a production (non-development) system it is suggested you test it and fully understand what it is doing not just what it appears it is doing. I accept no responsibility for any damage you may do with this code.
SELECT ( SELECT [projectname] FROM [tblRIMicroSite_Forms] WHERE CHARINDEX([tblRIMicroSite_Forms].[url], pv.[url]) > 0 ) AS Project ,dbo.fnFormatDate([datetime], ‘MM-DD-YYYY HH:NN AMPM’, NULL) AS [DateTime] ,[ipaddress] AS ‘IP Address’ ,[ipint] AS ‘IP Int’ ,[IPLocation] AS ‘IP Location’ ,[mobile] AS ‘Mobile’ ,( CASE WHEN ( SELECT url FROM [tblRIMicroSite_Forms] WHERE CHARINDEX([tblRIMicroSite_Forms].[url], pv.[url]) > 0 )…
Public Class ReadFromFile Shared Sub Main() Dim sFileName As String Dim srFileReader As System.IO.StreamReader Dim sInputLine As String sFileName = "test.txt" srFileReader = System.IO.File.OpenText(sFileName) sInputLine = srFileReader.ReadLine() Do Until sInputLine is Nothing System.Console.WriteLine(sInputLine) sInputLine = srFileReader.ReadLine() Loop End Sub End Class Originally Posted on September 18, 2013Last Updated on October…
Sometimes you really just need to know how many users you have on your database, the below script will give a quick report for your database. Note: This script is designed to run on a selected database, you will have to select the database first and then run the script….