This script will search and replace specific content/phrases through the entire content table.
This script can be modified to handle different scenarios as well.
/* search/replace script to replace characters in the content fields of the content_text and content_teaser fields  = *space* €“ = — €™ = ' €¢ = • €¦ = : */ SET XACT_ABORT ON DECLARE @otxt VARCHAR(8000) SET @otxt = '' --string to find DECLARE @ntxt VARCHAR(8000) SET @ntxt = '' --replacement string DECLARE @txtlen INT SET @txtlen = len(@otxt) DECLARE @ptr BINARY (16) DECLARE @pos INT DECLARE @id INT BEGIN TRAN -- begin content_html loop WHILE ( SELECT count(content_id) FROM content WHERE content_html LIKE '%' + @otxt + '%' ) > 0 BEGIN DECLARE curs CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT content_id ,textptr(content_html) ,PATindex('%' + @otxt + '%', content_html) - 1 FROM content WHERE content_html LIKE '%' + @otxt + '%' OPEN curs FETCH NEXT FROM curs INTO @id ,@ptr ,@pos WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Text found in row id=' + cast(@id AS VARCHAR) + ' at pos=' + cast(@pos AS VARCHAR) UPDATETEXT content.content_html @ptr @pos @txtlen @ntxt FETCH NEXT FROM curs INTO @id ,@ptr ,@pos END CLOSE curs DEALLOCATE curs END -- begin content_teaser loop WHILE ( SELECT count(content_id) FROM content WHERE content_teaser LIKE '%' + @otxt + '%' ) > 0 BEGIN DECLARE curs CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT content_id ,textptr(content_teaser) ,PATindex('%' + @otxt + '%', content_teaser) - 1 FROM content WHERE content_teaser LIKE '%' + @otxt + '%' OPEN curs FETCH NEXT FROM curs INTO @id ,@ptr ,@pos WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN PRINT 'Text found in row id=' + cast(@id AS VARCHAR) + ' at pos=' + cast(@pos AS VARCHAR) UPDATETEXT content.content_teaser @ptr @pos @txtlen @ntxt FETCH NEXT FROM curs INTO @id ,@ptr ,@pos END CLOSE curs DEALLOCATE curs END COMMIT TRAN --rollback tran
Last Updated on October 26, 2015