There are a few ways to count all of the rows in all of your tables in a database.
The “Fastest Option” actually pulls the information from the database where the numbers are stored rather than taking time to count rows.
SELECT t.NAME AS table_name ,i.rows FROM sys.tables AS t INNER JOIN sys.sysindexes AS i ON t.object_id = AND i.indid < 2 ORDER BY table_name --OR SELECT @@ServerName AS SERVER ,DB_NAME() AS DBName ,OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(p.object_id) AS SchemaName ,OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id) AS TableName ,i.Type_Desc ,i.NAME AS IndexUsedForCounts ,SUM(p.Rows) AS Rows FROM sys.partitions p JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id WHERE i.type_desc IN ( 'CLUSTERED' ,'HEAP' ) -- This is key (1 index per table) AND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(p.object_id) <> 'sys' GROUP BY p.object_id ,i.type_desc ,i.NAME ORDER BY SchemaName ,TableName;
Last Updated on October 26, 2015
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