These steps are based on Ubuntu 14.10 Server 64-bit but can be applied to virtually any Debian based UNIX distribution.
Category: SQL
MSSQL Server Information
If you have ever started a new job and we told to “Dig into the database and learn” these scripts likely have come to mind whether or not you knew/know them. References & Credit: /
MSSQL Table Backup Script
This is a quick way to backup table structure and data, this will go out to the system table and query all tables then provide a script to recreate the tables. This is a bit of a hack but works to backup all the rows in your tables. Run the…
Ektron Show duplicate content
If you have more than one person in the site administration you can sometimes get duplicates, this script will help you find them.
Concatenate Address Columns In One Column
In many databases the address is properly separated into various columns but in a report you want to concatenate them. This simple script will pull them together in one column without causing extra spaces
Ektron Content List
This is a collection of a few other scripts that I’ve posted here but this script concatenates widget and alias listings into one column so that you only have one row per content item.
Ektron List Widgets On Content
This is another Ektron audit script that will help list PageBuilder content items that have a widget placed on them. The script below is very similar to Ektron Alias With Folder Name
Find Table Differences And Sync Tables
Have two databases with the same table schema and need to keep both up to date? First, let us look at the differences between the two databases. The query below will show the differences between the development database table tbl_zip_code and the production database table tbl_zip_code. Ideally the differences should…
NPI Database
If you work in medical databases you are likely familiar with the site CMS NPI Search I have had a few projects that need the ability to validate NPI numbers so based on data at I have worked out a solution to get the data into a database that…