Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
Filter Datagrid
If you already have a data grid and want to search it you can create a textbox and do a textbox.textchanged control to run something like below:
Check For Valid Date
Recently I had to validate dates in a form specifically the date of visit and date of birth This function will now check both for future date and do more checks for the date of visit, debug/helper information left in to better understand the function. Function Code: Function Use:
Database Primary Key Max Entry Fix
Two options with this fix, official script from Ektron or to fix the individual tables that are currently having the issue. Individual Table(s) Official fix from Ektron, specific to 8.0.2
Visual Studio Oracle Tools
When working with Visual Studio and Oracle you will need to download Oracle’s Visual Studio Tools. Code Samples: If I thought I could legally host the file I would. Official Page: If the link fails to work do a search on for Visual Studio ODAC 11.2 Release…
Show Duplicate Records
These two queries run under different schools of thought and purpose but will help in finding duplicate records. First, if you only want to see the records that are duplicates and the amount of times they appear in the table you could run this code: Second, if you want to…