Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
Red Hat – LFTP File Upload
If you run into issues with SSL certificate verification the below should help. NOTE: Even though we backup the original configuration, test this on a development server first.
NetSuite – SuiteScript 2.0 – Useful Functions
These first function snippets are from
NetSuite – SuiteScript 1.0 – Useful Functions
These first function snippets are from
Bash – Download YouTube Music
Alternate option, read a text file. Create a text file with the YouTube links with a line break between each. The links can be a single video or a playlist URL, the downloader will parse the playlist and download each of the videos in the playlist and convert to MP3
Bash – Mass NSlookup
When you are moving from one server public IP to another you could use some help knowing things are changed. This bash script will do an NSLookup on various DNS servers.