This application should not be used as a replacement for Microsoft’s W32Tm NTP Sync functionality. This application however will help when you do not have that service working. InternetTime Namespace (majority of the code) credit goes to Valer Bocan viewable at NTP Namespace is my addition to Valer’s code,…
Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
SQL Connection Test
For more connection string assistance visit:
Gregorian Date to Hijri Date
Recently I was asked to help convert Gregorian Date to Hijri Date and vice versa. One thing to note is that with Hijri date format you must keep it as a string.
Add Column If Does Not Exist
This code will assist in helping you create a column should it not already exist.
Format Zip Code Properly
Sometimes a zip code is presented in a database with all nine numbers in the same column that has only five numbers. This query below will assist in formatting the numbers properly. Source:
Ektron – Find DMS Content File
Sometimes you’re asked where a DMS file exists on the server and have to track it down, this query should help. Caveat: It helps to know where your root/main asset directory is on your server.
Enable/Disable Desktop Saves
WARNING: Backup the computer you try these scripts on before you run these. These scripts will enable/disable the ability to save anything to the desktop.
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