Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
LDAP LastLogonTimeStamp Conversion
In working with LDAP timestamps I found this script very helpful to be able to test with. Reference:
C# Backup and Restore MySQL Database(s)
Must Download DLLs from
C# Clean String Input
You can use the CleanInput method defined in this example to strip potentially harmful characters that have been entered into a text field that accepts user input. In this case, CleanInput strips out all non-alphanumeric characters except periods (.), at symbols (@), and hyphens (-), and returns the remaining string….
Android Contacts – Working With Duplicates
While this line is not necessary it’s a good idea to limit to this initially until you are ready to run on a larger scale.
C# Application Form Closing Event Question
Sometimes you have a program that you would prefer someone not close without confirming they truly meant to close it. This script will assist in providing a question before the program simply closes.
MSSQL – Sort By Day Of Week
This script utilizes this Format Date Function to sort results based on a day of the week. The case statement in this query is easy to update if your region has a different day for the start of the week. This particular script is part of a metric that I…
Droid Razr (XT912) Bloat Removal Script
Must have ROOT on your phone. Disclaimer holds strong for this script. If you do not know what it means to delete a system app do not even try this script. Apps/Widget Removed: Originators of this code: Deblur Debloat Script v0.1 by DirtyDroidX Bloatware Removal for DROID RAZR v3 by…