If you use Parallels like I do sometimes you need to test things and recover from that test rather quickly. My process is to first build the base/template VM the way I want it and then back it up before testing things. In intervals if I’m going to continue to…
Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
Mac OSX Terminal – Uninstall Palo Alto Global Protect
First copy this text to a file and name it uninstall_gp.sh The code below is right from the Palo Alto Global Protect installer for Mac After you have the file created run the below
Mac OSX Terminal – Format Disk
This process is very helpful to format a disk that has multiple partitions on it like a Raspberry Pi SD Card. This script can be updated to allow a different type of format (JHFS+ instead of FAT32) but for now it serves my purpose.
Red Hat 8 – Install NGINX Load Balance DNS
Similar to Ubuntu / Raspberry Pi – Install NGINX Load Balance DNS Some prerequisite posts to look at: Should Run Red Hat – Check Subscription / Register Server SELinux Configuration Change UNIX – Set SSH Banner Should Read/Understand UNIX – Bash Identify Distribution (What OS Am I On) UNIX –…
UNIX Bash – Random Secure Password
Tested on Raspberry Pi but should work on any Debian based OS NOTE: With the three languages included you may get some words for your password that may be offensive if you choose not to put words in the badwordlist file. If so just run the script again.
PowerShell – Mass Rename Files / Directories
Recently I needed to rename files and directories in a repository so I came up with the PowerShell script. NOTE: Use caution using this.
PowerShell – Script for adding/removing/viewing entries to the hosts file.
As a web developer you often have to use a host file, this script helps assist a safe and fast change with little effort.
PowerShell – Prevent Kids From Installing/Running Specific Programs
If you use the Microsoft Family settings for your kids and can’t figure out how to prevent them from installing Chrome or Chromium this will help. This PowerShell script (ran as Administrator) will create/modify the user folders to prevent users from accessing the needed folders to run the two programs.
Bash / PowerShell – Rip Sermon Audio From CD
To expand on an earlier post “MacPorts / HomeBrew – Rip CD tracks from terminal” I have worked on two scripts; one for Mac and one for PC. Both scripts (Bash and PowerShell) will run similar with predefined values that you’ll need to update for your own purposes (look at…
JavaScript – Time Conversion – Millisecond (Execution/Run Time) To Human Readable
Sometimes when you are looking at execution time you want to make it easier to report the amount of time. The script below will help. And a full example is below