Selected the range of cells you need to replace. Go to Home > Find & Select > Replace or Ctrl + H Find what: , Replace with: CTRL + SHIFT + J Click Replace All Somehow CTRL + SHIFT + J is registered as a linebreak. Reference:
Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
Ektron Show duplicate content
If you have more than one person in the site administration you can sometimes get duplicates, this script will help you find them.
Concatenate Address Columns In One Column
In many databases the address is properly separated into various columns but in a report you want to concatenate them. This simple script will pull them together in one column without causing extra spaces
Ektron Content List
This is a collection of a few other scripts that I’ve posted here but this script concatenates widget and alias listings into one column so that you only have one row per content item.
Ektron List Widgets On Content
This is another Ektron audit script that will help list PageBuilder content items that have a widget placed on them. The script below is very similar to Ektron Alias With Folder Name
System.Globalization String Format
Recently I was asked to format a string into a different format, after some discussion they wanted the integer 500000 to show in a format attributed to India that looks like 5,00,000 The code below shows how best to convert the number, to see the code in action go to…
Fitbit Import
This is a import process to import the steps recorded in MSN Health and Fitness Windows Phone app into Fitbit. Place holder for now as I get it working. References:
Proxy Switch
Recently had a need to be able to switch on/off proxy at will and got tired of going to Internet Explorer options to set/change it. Hopefully someone else will get benefit from this nice tool. Open Visual Studio File -> New Project -> Visual C# – Windows -> Windows Forms…
JSON From Web
Use NuGet, search and install “” from Newtonsoft Visit with the sample Json formatted text. json2csharp will create the public class for your json file/text Paste your Json text into the text box and click on the “Generate” button Copy the generated class into your code Create a dataGridView…