This is currently setup as a three file setup, I can not remember where I originally found the code so I can not take full credit for this post. I use the code below to send a username and date\time to another page. If the date\time is within 2 minutes…
Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
OpenSSL Generate Salt, Key and IV
The above code will generate this result (Make sure you set your MySuperSecretPassPhrase to something unique)
PowerShell / Chocolatey Install WAMP
Following the Chocolatey post we now install WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Open PowerShell as administrator Configure WAMP for port 8080
What is Chocolatey Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, somewhat like apt-get (UNIX), but built with Windows in mind. How to Install Open PowerShell ISE as admin (typical 64-bit path %windir%\sysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell_ISE.exe) Set Execution Policy Permissions Run the installation script from
Unix Shell – Set/Change IP
By default UNIX computers/servers are setup with a DHCP/Dynamic IP address, below is how to change the IP to static Before you do either process understand what these settings should be: Network Interace you plan to modify (eth0, eth1, etc.) IP Address (address) Subnet Mask (netmask) Default Gateway (gateway) Whether…
Acrylic Proxy DNS Setup
While still configuring my changes to Raspberry Pi Setup Proxy Server this works on an individual computer. NOTE: I have this setup mainly for the Wi-Fi, if you want it for wired connections you will need to change Wi-Fi to “Ethernet” or “Ethernet 2” Step 1: Download and Setup Acrylic…
Install SQL PowerShell Tools
To install the 2014 PowerShell tools, the script below will help make it a bit easier. First all downloads are referenced from this URL (specific for SQL 2014) I use Windows 64-Bit so if you use 32-Bit make sure you update your links Reference:
Remotely Find Raspberry Pi IP
First install nmap Then run IP addr show and look for something like ‘inet brd’ Now based on the inet IP CIDR type You should see something like this Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.00088s latency). MAC Address: B8:27:EB:18:E0:B3 (Raspberry Pi Foundation) Referenced from:
MySQL Procedure Get WordPress Site Name
If you manage many WordPress site databases it can get a bit crazy to know which site goes with what database but it gets more “fun” when you have a network site, below I attempt to help document some ways to help. This first example is a rather long process…
Remove Directory
Now if this first command doesn’t work make sure it’s a directory you want to delete and try this next one