If you maintain more than one Windows server sometimes you need a quick way to determine the host file differences on each server, the code below will help.
Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
Java – FRC – Limelight Vision – Basic Information Read
The code below will help you to be able read basic information from your Limelight Vision camera. If you haven’t already read the documentation it’s a good idea to start there -> http://docs.limelightvision.io/en/latest/ Start with a new “Timed Robot” template project and add a few imports Within the “public void…
PowerShell – Open URL In Windows Default Browser
As I have found and lost this script from jkdba.com a few times I’m posting it here so I can remember it :) Reference: http://www.jkdba.com/powershell-open-url-in-default-browser/
PowerShell – Clear Temporary ASP.NET Files
If your Temporary ASP.NET Files directory is getting out of hand there are a few things you can do about it. First option I found was at https://sysadminspot.com/server-administration/powershell-cleanup-temp-asp-net-files/. This option works well and in some cases could be the safer option as it can’t delete files that are currently in…
PowerShell – Find a file
If you run into a need to find a file on your computer/server this script should help make things a bit easier
Raspberry Pi – Dynamic MOTD
Similar to UNIX – Set SSH Banner but this will update at every login incase something changes.