Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
Mac OSX – Update DNS Based On WiFi
I often have to bounce between WiFi at the office and the public WiFi so I finally put this script together. You will need to get the BSSID of your WiFi connection to replicate this but here is the code, of course you need to run this with sudo privileges…
UNIX Terminal – Secure Copy (SCP)
Secure Copy (SCP) is a useful UNIX command that allows you to securely copy files and directories between your local machine and a remote computer. In the examples below “-P 22” is not actually needed if the SSH port is 22. Many of the servers I connect to have a…
Mac OSX Terminal – Find & Scan Wireless Networks
First create symlink Once the Symlink is in place you can scan for Wi-Fi Referenced From:
Mac OSX Terminal – Change/Set DNS
This may need to change depending on your network interface Manual Process Running the above will display something like this More Automatic Process Prerequisite 1: Optional but useful, this script originally developed by VMWare has been modified to get some basic identification for linux based computers. More details at Bash…
Mac OSX Terminal – Create Desktop Shortcuts/Symlink
Coming from Windows I sometimes still have the desire or need for a desktop shortcut/symlink. There are two easy options for this Right click the application, select “Make Alias” and drag that alias to the desktop and potentially rename it at one point or the other. Open Terminal (Applications –…
UNIX Terminal – Grep Directory Recursively
Sometimes you really need to find a file that has certain text in it, these commands will help provided you have an idea of the directory or the string
MacPorts / HomeBrew – Rip CD tracks from terminal
I’m mainly doing this project for my church where the CD will typically only have one track and the MP3 bitrate is acceptable at 64 kbit/s Yes there are faster options that also are free but this is the best option I’ve found to make it an easy process someone…
OpenSSL – Extract PFX Certificate & Update SSL Certificate
First this process doesn’t hack/crack the PFX you will need the password still. Scenario you have to update your SSL certificate but all you saved was your PFX file and know the password for it. You get prompted for the Import Password and if you have typed the correct one…