Prerequisite: Homebrew Essentially you can convert just about anything but this script is specific to FLAC to MP3 To convert from MP4 to MP3 the code below will work
Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
PowerShell – Install .NET 4.5.2
GitLab – 502 Whoops, GitLab is taking too much time to respond
If you get the “502 Whoops, GitLab is taking too much time to respond” message, first thing to try is IF the restart doesn’t help then try Typically one of the two will fix the problem.
Mac OSX Terminal – Convert RAW Photos to JPG
If you’ve ever been stuck with a directory of .DNG or .RAW files this script will quickly convert the images for you. Adobe Products may give a better result but seem to be one at a time still… Reference:
RedHat – Search/Join/Leave Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
This script will assist in searching for, joining or leaving a Microsoft Active Directory (AD). While this is specifically written and tested for Red Hat you should be able to do it with Fedora or CENTOS without changing anything. If you are on a different distro like Ubuntu it will…
Excel – Get Domain Name From URL
This formula will give you a clean base path of a given URL Example: URL Just Domain Base Path