If you ever need to get your files out of Azure this script will help you get your files out of Blob Storage
Category: Code
This area of the site is dedicated to code snippets for quick and easy reference
Raspberry Pi – Debian – Ad Block Service
The code below will assist you in creating one or more Raspberry Pi ad block service DNS servers. Equipment List: 2 (suggested but you can do it with one) Raspberry Pi Microcomputers Raspberry Pi 3B+ (or better) are recommended (look at CanaKit (http://amzn.to/2vxgLLD)) 1 USB Keyboard and USB Mouse 1…
PowerShell – Download Azure Blob Container Content
You get all of your data into Azure or your application uploads/creates directly into Azure storage and then someone asks you to download the files…. This script below will help you download your files.
PowerShell – Enable WinRM
Not recommended for production computers but this will get the WinRM working on a development computer. If you can’t connect due to access denied try this
Red Hat – Failed to initialize NSS library
If you recently updated or recently installed a Red Hat server and get a message like this when trying to run yum the below will help. Reference: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/3134931
Raspberry Pi – Remove Default Apps
If you setup your Raspberry Pi using the NOOBs installer you likely have various apps that you don’t want to keep. This script below will remove many of the preinstalled applications. wolfram-engine bluej geany greenfoot nodered nuscratch scratch sonic-pi libreoffice claws-mail claws-mail-i18n minecraft-pi pygame If you are running as a…
Azure MSSQL – Server Firewall Rules
Run these commands on the master table. First get the existing rules Based on the above query if there are any rules you need to remove get the name and replace Client with the appropriate name If you need to add an IP rule go to https://www.kittell.net/ip.php and update the…
MSSQL – List Users With Permissions
Sometimes you really just need to know how many users you have on your database, the below script will give a quick report for your database. Note: This script is designed to run on a selected database, you will have to select the database first and then run the script.
Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora – Fix Yum Duplicates
When nothing else seemed to work this helped me to get rid of all the duplicates from failed yum updates. After trying the above I still had some duplicates on a different server but the ‘Remove Duplicates’ script below seemed to work fine for me. NOTE: I was looking at…